Tobias Batz dubs himself a “photo remixer”-- and rightfully so. Batz’s style is a classic and sturdy Warholian ideology in more ways than one. His first Icon Series featured pop culture figures and iconic brand names like James Dean paired with Louis Vuitton, resulting in work indicative of Batz’s inspiration. Grungy Gentleman's SoHo studio is the perfect palette for Tobias Batz’s Pixel series installation featuring the faces of John F. Kennedy, Jimi Hendrix, Pablo Picasso and James Dean.
His approach to photography and art is similar to that of music, "I'm going to remix a photo the same way I would remix a song," he explains. It's all bout juxtaposition... Rather than making obvious connections into expectancy, he pairs his subjects and atmospheres with their opposites. "I like playing with these iconic images... There is a certain reaction you get from people... Something you can't get with an original work of art," Batz says of his experimentation. These experiments have ultimately paid off in big ways, even on a global level. Batz has taken his talents to exhibitions like Art Basel in Miami and ARTAQ Urban Art Festival in France.
A flip through Batz's portfolio shows he has always been inspired by women, capturing them in stunning sensuality. Lately Batz has been more inspired by men, even citing Grungy Gentleman designer Jace Lipstein as a source of inspiration. Can't wait to see where inspiration takes him next.
James Dean Pixel Art by Tobias Batz
Jimi Hendrix Pixel Art by Tobias Batz